Could Roku Lead to the End of Cable Television?


Being slaves to high rising cable costs may soon become a thing of the past.

When moving into a new home, it used to be that seeking out cable provider, waiting hours for the technician and making sure all desired channels are working just fine used to be as routine as making sure the electricity was in place and ready to go.  

The crucial need for entertainment has become such a regular part of our everyday lives, that living without it is almost unthinkable.

How is consistently being ripped become a normal way of life?

For the longest time consumers only accepted the fact that their rapidly increasing cable bills were simply a part of life. Some of these monthly statements can reach astronomical heights of the upper 400’s. These high numbers are hardly an exaggeration rather for the longest time they’ve been accepted part of life to most American homes. It’s astounding how fast multiple cable boxes and premium channels combined with regular service can add up.

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