Ask Anand Anything – Anand Bhatt Answers Your Questions


Did you always want to become a musician or did you have other plans when you were younger?

When i was Really little, I wanted to be an engineer like my Dad – mainly because he got to travel a lot.  I’m not sure I knew what engineer meant though :D.   But by the time I saw my first music video I knew this is what I wanted to do.

Do you write yourself music for songs?

Although there are a lot of songs that I wrote by myself, that’s often not the case – there are usually multiple writers or the song has already been written by another team and I am adding to it/putting my own spin on it.

Where do you get the inspiration for writing songs?

When I’m in the mood/the zone, so many things inspire me. Could be something a pretty girl says/does, could be the background noise somewhere, or another song in a totally different genre that just moves me.

Do you play any musical instruments?

Guitar is my baby!  I started out playing violin as a kid, and I do play sitar – but as you can imagine violins and sitars aren’t exactly useful in day to day music life.  The guitar is always my go to.

Who is your favorite singer?

Marc Anthony continues to amaze me.  I’ve always been a big Chris Cornell fan too.  Marc Anthony, however, has this shockingly great range, skill, and texture to his voice.

How do you cope with stress when working with celebrities?

Great question!! There’s a whole array of coping mechanisms from remembering that none of this really matters, mindfulness/focusing on my breath and my own emotions, and remember that if someone else is acting like a child they’re not doing it on purpose.

Do you perform solo or do you have a band?

Both, but technically I’m a solo artist.  When I do need a band, a band is put together or I team up with old friends/bandmates if they’re available.

What project are you currently working on?

Just finished  – and now will finish doing outreach and updates to Ready4theRedCarpet and the audio book version that will come out on Audible!

Do you often go on tour?

Not anymore! And that is awesome! The life of an artist is substantially different than it was, say even just 5 years ago.  If I do go on tour, it’s not so much a performance tour but a meet-n-greet tour or a promotional broadcast tour.   There is still a lot of travelling involved but far from the grueling life of our predecessors in the industry.

any loves, other then music?

I love reading, and meditation/quiet time.  LOVE IT!

What is the best advice ever given?

“Don’t take Anything too seriously.”

Do you write all of your own music; where do you draw inspiration from when you write songs and what’s your favorite part about the proccess?

Although there are a lot of songs that I wrote by myself, that’s often not the case – there are usually multiple writers or the song has already been written by another team and I am adding to it/putting my own spin on it.

The most random things inspire me, could be something a girl says/does, could be the background noise somewhere, or another song in a totally different genre that just moves me.

My favorite part of the process BY FAR is the point where everything just converges to a Flow; time stops, everything seems to fall into place, where you realize that You are not making a song – a song is making itself through you.

If I was to turn on your ipod right now, what five artists/songs would I see on your recently played list?

Let’s find out and take a look!  Nicky Jam, Becky G, Megadeth :D, Hanuman Chalisa (I know, so Indian of me), Shakira y Maluma.

Which is your favorite music band?

Totally depends on the day!! Hmmm band (so let’s rule out solo artists, that helps narrow it down) – Faith No More might still make it as #1 choice.

What are somethings that you can’t leave the house without?

pants (though I have left the house without pants),  credit card, & if I’m back home in the U.S. – multiple forms of ID (because it might actually be technically illegal to not be white in the united states).

Name 3 people you admire.

Great question! Do they have to be real :D? There’s an ancient Indian character named King Janaka who is awesome, not sure if he was actually real though.  But I’m counting him anyway.  And along those lines, this current version of Jim Carrey intrigues me.  And Shakira seems to have it together – you never know though, that’s the thing about admiration, you can only admire particular qualities of a particular person at a particular time.  But we never really know anything about them as a whole.

What are you really bad at?

I can’t go an hour without getting lost in my head, so … paying attn to or even caring about empirical reality. Not my thing.

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When i was Really little, I wanted to be an engineer like my Dad – mainly because he got to travel a lot.  I’m not sure I knew what engineer meant though :D.   But by the time I saw my first music video I knew this is what I wanted to do.

Do you ever get nervous?

Most Definitely!!

Is there anything other than being an artist you would rather do?

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Hmmmmm, probably not.  I mean, everyone entertains those ideas but I can’t actually imagine actually doing anything other than what I’m doing right now.

Does being a celebrity prevent you from being or doing something you really like?

I’m prevented from doing all sorts of things, nothing you’d really miss though! I have a masters degree that I never get to use, and every now and then there are cool things in corporate-land I qualify for BUT the second somebody googles you, nobody believes that you’d be willing to have anything to do with that world.  Once you choose the entertainment industry, society won’t let you do anything else. It fries their brain just imagining it.

If you could go open up for any artist on tour right now who would it be?

Marc Anthony!!

If you were to sing karaoke, what song would you pick?

GREAT Question! Depends on my mood, but right now? Skid Row “The Threat!”  (I know prob too obscure to be on karaoke).  So …. anything Marc Anthony!

Who do you hate among all hollywood celebrities? Why?

hehehehe oh man, can I actually answer this Q? Truthfully, I really don’t “hate” anyone.  I did once have an uncomfortable run-in with Val Kilmer (prob youtube search-able) but I think he was having a bad day.

Ten years from now, you will……………..

Be an enlightened Swami 😉

Where can we listen to your music or where can we get a copy of those?

iTunes rocks:

Newest album

What is your most annoying habit?

I require a SUSBTANTIAL amount of alone time, drives everybody nuts.

Who is your celebrity role model?

I love this question!! Professionally, I think Marc Anthony’s voice is amazing – but Prince Royce/David Lee Roth have more fun lives.    Truthfully though, as I get older – I think the goal would be to be as close as a cross between John Stamos & Morgan Freeman as possible.  Seriously, how cool are those guys aging!

Who is your celebrity crush?

😉 I actually have to think about that one.  Hmmm . . I’d have to go with Vanessa Hudgens.  She can make me walk into a wall.    Although I do  hear Mariah makes for a gr8 GF :D.

Host of the TV Show Rock Star Recipes and the 1st Indian-American to walk the Latin Grammy Red Carpet, Anand Bhatt brings us the inside scoop & behind-the-scenes on Everything from Kitchen and Fitness Hacks, who's wearing what, the latest fashion and beauty trends, Inspiration on how celebs keep it together under stress, and more! Read on and live your best life!