Sweetness without the Sugar?

By Mary Thompson –

Don’t be blinded to the darker side of “diet” products

One of the most common goals most of us have in life is to lose weight and look great. Ideally bringing down the pounds also goals along with not only looking good on the outside but the inside too. However, the need to achieve quick results can also lead to the at times detrimental habit of calorie counting.

Zero calories isn’t necessarily a good thing…

Staying dedicated to a low fat minimal or no-calorie diet plan doesn’t happen overnight. After all, there are certain indulgences so many of us refuse to give up, as a result of a force of habit. It would be unrealistic to assume that anyone could remain dedicated to meals filled with oats, vegetables, and water plus not much else.

Sweetness, saltiness, and fat without the calories without the calories?

In no time at all cravings tend to set in which can lead to resolutions to lose weight being broken. Most individuals battling against the scale probably see zero or low-calorie snacks as a beacon of light at the end of the diet tunnel.

What could possibly be so bad about sodas, sweets and decadent indulgences without the weight gain?

On the contrary, these treats which no doubt taste good are nothing but could best be described as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In fact, using that analogy could be putting it lightly. Choosing to indulge in these “diet” choices may result in weight loss. However, there’s no way to get around the negative at time fatal side effects consummation of these artificial ingredients with undoubtedly have.

Suddenly, looking good on the outside and not much else requires a price that could be far too steep to pay for anyone

Citing terms such as aspartame in a negative light have been referred by companies who utilized its components in order to produce more flavor, as nothing but a tactic. Nevertheless, after taking a closer look there may be more to these warnings than meets the eye.

Negative side effects which could result from the consumption of aspartame may seem minimal at first such muscle and abdominal pain. After all, surely, these ailments could easily be cured by a heating pad or a couple of painkillers.

However, one thing that can’t be so easily cured is the other highly possible side effects that can range from blurred vision to brain cancer. No doubt these extreme side effects could be the result of prolonged use. Nevertheless, it’s also possible that an immunity deficiency could also increase the consumer’s chances of being susceptible to these negative side effects.

Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean the damage hasn’t been done

One of the worst side effects of these fake bundles of sweetness is none other than the practically invisible adverse effects. Most individuals only associate fatal illnesses with physical side effects that can be identified off the bat.

Nevertheless, most individuals fail to realize stress kills, literally. Which brings me to the two least commonly known side effects of artificial sweeteners, insomnia and stress.

Not getting enough beauty rest after ingesting some sweets may not seem like such a bad thing now. But, with the busy schedules, so many of us lead these days starting it off on the wrong foot aka without a restful night’s sleep just isn’t an option. Doing so could lead to stress and anxiety of not being able to take on the challenges of everyday life.

Avoidance is the key…yes with a little ingenuity it is possible

Without a doubt achieving noticeable weight loss is a goal anyone striving to be healthy should strive to achieve. However, doing it in a way that isn’t detrimental to one’s health should also be at the top of the weight loss priority list.

Staying away from aspartame may be easier than you think

Reading labels, knowing good sugars from bad ones and most especially getting into the mindset that anything in moderation is fine is the key to success. Now doesn’t eating real sugar from time to time as opposed to artificial sweeteners on a daily basis sound more sensible?

Surely, that has to be the case especially since choosing to take the road of real sweeteners can actually save your life?


Mary Thompson


Giant Table Dosa (Indian Food)

SEE THE VID! Paper Dosa!

No worries about sound in this vid, i didn’t bother turning it up.  Indian internet/bandwidth is hit or miss (as is even electricity and running water sometimes) and you’ve got to do what it takes to make video files small so you can upload quickly in those rare moments when modern amenities are available.  But check out this awesome crazy enormous DOSA!!!!