Monthly Horoscope – November


Venus, Mercury, The Moon, Uranus! (Try saying that 4 times in a row without smiling)! November is some month for you, Aries. Random events may set the ball in motion for you to get some surprise cash in the future. This is the month where that happens. Also, make sure you are focused for what you want in life. If you haven’t spent a morning thinking or writing down specifics, do so ASAP – because starting from the second half of this month and for a while after opportunities will start presenting themselves to you. If you have focused vision, life can start becoming an open playing field for you to achieve your goals. However, if there isn’t anything specific you want out of life (which is OK btw and perfectly healthy) you may end up getting ping ponged around from one opportunity to the next without even noticing them and thereby not really getting anywhere. Again, that’s fine if you have the right attitude that happiness comes from within. But if you do have specific wants, and you stay focused and alert, this is the month where it can all start coming together.


Keep your ears open this month, Taurus. And your eyes too. You may think you’re losing your mind, but no – those aren’t coincidences. People may seem more helpful OR you hear amazing ideas and get inspired from the most unsuspecting places. If you’re in a relationship watch out for Venus the second half of the month! The big V can either push you towards an affair or have some fantasies or bring you closer to your current partner. If you’re single HAVE FUN! If you want to stay single, beware of feelings that might develop.


Solitude is your friend this November. Do you meditate? You may want to dedicate some morning quiet time to thinking about all the thoughts you’re having this month. This is a good month to connect with your inner self (selves hehehe ) and frequently remind yourself that external circumstances come from inner state NOT the other way around. Mercury and Saturn are going to make sure you your mind is both challenged and that the universe’s message gets across to you. This is a month where it is OK to feel good about everything going on in your life. No need to stress out about what you think might need changing, those plans and desires are for another month.


All of November is your red carpet moment, Cancer. You can’t lose when it comes to others this month. Even if you think you’ve embarassed yourself, it is going to somehow work in your favor. So express yourself, go wild. Creative types will make awesome projects this month if they go with the flow, and stay in a state of flow. Spend time with friends, co-workers, or family this month – you are inspiring even when you’re not trying to be. You owe the world your presence right now, and especially during the second half of the month. Watch out for those last few days of the month, don’t let yourself get too argumentative but pay attention to and learn from your emotions if you are stirred up.


This is some storybook month for you, Leo. The planets and the stars are all lined up and moving in the direction of possible career benefits, social benefits, skill sets and learning. You may feel pushed and you may not want to grow, but if you don’t fight it and challenge yourself everything is set up for you to benefit. And on the 18th and afterwords? Feel free to enjoy any spoils you may have earned from the year to date. Anything from a vacation to a night out on the town will work. Have you seen Brewster’s Millions? Remember to spend your money on experience, nothing tangible. You may arouse some envy, but ignore the haters.


Ah, Virgo. You and your stress. You may not feel it, but you do have the support of those around you if you want to let a few plates fall. Mercury may be causing you some mental snafus or some communication breakdowns so do your best and try not to take life too seriously in general. This may be a good month to take some time out and read about Einstein’s relativity, even though it is possibly you will have a hard time being able to concentrate and focus on it – but this month you will benefit a great deal from learning/remembering what time really is and how it really works. What is an “event” in your life anyway? Who or what are you in terms of space-time anyway? When in doubt, try to find an answer to these questions. When the holidays start kicking in, let your family members handle themselves and be responsible for their own enjoyment.


Have you heard about the amends process in 12 step programs, Libra? The premise is this: trying to figure out what and who you resent, try to figure out your part in it, admit when you’re wrong, and make things right. This November is when this process could be enormously beneficial to you. Even if it something seemingly ridiculous, like you just rememberd a time when you were mean to a girl in school when you were little. In that hypothetical case, feel free to track her down and either apologize or if that’s too weird leave her a compliment. Do what it takes this month to balance out anything that bothers you in life. The results from such an ongoing exercise this month will be AMAZING! Also, try to not to create any new harms to others this month. Don’t understimate your “karma powers” right now. Also, Venus and Jupiter might try to get you to fall in love – if not with a person, then with something materialistic/worldly.


What’s up, Scorps! Just how promiscuous do you want to be this month? You don’t need to be celibate if you don’t want to you, definitely don’t shame yourself, but if you go for it be safe. Or maybe this risk taking impulse won’t be sexual for you, it could manifest itself in business, or gambling, or thrill seeking. OR for some of you that are in committed relationships, you may be driving your partner nuts this month. Reel it in! Again, don’t be in denial about what you’re feeling this month but dial it back! Perhaps think of others to get out of yourself – but don’t smother anyone in the name of helping them.


My fellow Sags! Good luck keeping the narcissism at bay this month. Wow. If you decided to start a cult this month, you’d probably succeed. Enjoy any attention you get. For some of you it may be negative attention, maybe a hater or worse – watch out for stalkers. That one night stand might not be as cool as you are about it. Still be charming, no need to not be friendly, but just understand – that random person you smiled at innocently is most likely obsessing over you ever since and can’t figure out why. This is also a good month to wall up at home and meditate. See, either fortunately or unfortunately – depending on how you judge the last three years – Saturn is loosening its grip on you. You may be afraid as well as excited for the future. You know something’s going, you can feel it. Get deep and go Buddha. Park yourself, resist the urge to multitask, and get as much inner wisdom as you can. You’ve learned a lot over the last three years – if Saturn wills it, it could take it all away. OR perhaps you got used to a level of discomfort, and Saturn will ease up and launch you into a new three year reign of prosperity and enlightment. If you are religious Pray to that planet, if you’re not or not sure maybe try to be good to others and earn Saturn’s favor.


Do you like crystals and colors, Capricorn? This is a pro- Feng Shui month for you. If you’re not into that sort of thing, maybe take some fashion risks. Also, on social media this will be a month where you will want to speak your mind ESPECIALLY if it isn’t the usual complaining about the current state of affairs. Share your insight, even if it is controversial (as long as it is not hate speech, your friends will cut you A LOT of slack and perhaps even be inspired by you this month but they might not put up with hate speech). Watch out for communication snafus towards the end of the month. You may run into delays or hurdles on a project, or possibly even a romantic interest you’ve been pursuing. Actually, pursuing is a good litmus test here to predict if you’re going to be surprised in this area (and usually not to your liking). If a relationship is a GOAL for you, that is an unhealthy way to treat another person and the universe might step in and save that other person from you. Go with the flow and stay in the moment. Other People aren’t Your achievements. Beware of your urge to have an “end game” or plans and designs when it comes to another person.


This is the month to do what it takes to ensure some work-life balance. If you don’t, both sides might suffer. Work-life issues may even sneak up on you this month, it all might feel like it is going so well – the universe is tricky like that, it is up to you to be honest with yourself to make sure you not compromising your real self in the name of security or comfort. Your home persona is a mask, it’s not the real you. Your work persona is a mask, it’s not the real you. They may seem real, but they’re not. They’re stories to support your ego. And eventually your ego is going to want some drama. That being said, you do have the ability to seize opportunities this month so stay open minded and alert! Towards the end of the month your mind might even get totally blown!


You’re too practical sometimes, Pisces. Sometimes your mind rebels with impulsive desires as a way to combat the ways in which you’ve sacrificed in order to play it safe. Don’t fall for the trap. I know we may tease you at times for thinking too much, but still research your decisions this month before jumping into something impuslive. Also, remember life is not a series of fires that need to be put out no matter what your mind tells you. Also, remember that if your mind tells you that you don’t have time for something it is full of it. It’s wrong. You may not believe me, but study some physics – eastern philosophy if you’re not into science – time is Not something you’re running out of. Ignore your mind this month, dive into some text-books or take courses to better yourself and your career. Beware of cockiness – especially if youare indeed reading and getting smarter, your lack of humility can drive others away. This month, if you focus on compassion, empathy, education (especially physics and philosophy, try some Nassim Taleb too some of you will need to get comfortable with randomness soon), you will thrive.