by Mary Thompson
“Rainy days and Mondays always get me down,” These famous lyrics of a popular Carpenters song paint a picture of dreary gray wet days when all anyone wants to do is stay inside. Positive qualities of spring showers at first glance make up a pretty short list. To most people the only thing these down pours were good for was the fact that the pollen from the air would be washed away. Then perhaps the symptoms of hay fever would dissipate even for the time being.
“Rainy days and Mondays always get me down,” These famous lyrics of a popular Carpenters song paint a picture of dreary gray wet days when all anyone wants to do is stay inside. Positive qualities of spring showers at first glance make up a pretty short list. To most people the only thing these down pours were good for was the fact that the pollen from the air would be washed away. Then perhaps the symptoms of hay fever would dissipate even for the time being.
There is a bright side to all this gray.
For the fashionistas, out there it could be another