High-End Beauty for 10 Bucks? A Steal? Or a Bluff?


They’re cheap and fit just right, does it get any better than that?
We’ve all seen those ads for companies claiming to send samples of cosmetics that would otherwise
cost entire paychecks or more. These deals are further sweetened by the claim that not only are they
going to cost less than weekly metro tickets, but they’re customized as well.
All beauty is created equal, but its varieties are vast…
The process of finding just the right shade, hair product or facial treatment takes less than five minutes.
Most of these beauty bundles require some

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Host of the TV Show Rock Star Recipes and the 1st Indian-American to walk the Latin Grammy Red Carpet, Anand Bhatt brings us the inside scoop & behind-the-scenes on Everything from Kitchen and Fitness Hacks, who's wearing what, the latest fashion and beauty trends, Inspiration on how celebs keep it together under stress, and more! Read on and live your best life!