Like Chris Rock and Larry the Cable Guy, Jerry Seinfeld once told Entertainment Weekly in an article affectionately titled “Jerry Seinfeld: College students don’t know what the hell they’re talking about” that he will no longer play college campuses because the audiences are too PC. “They just want to use these words: ‘That’s racist;’ ‘That’s sexist;’ ‘That’s prejudice,’” he said. “They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.” Louis CK also received backlash for controversial jokes he used on a Saturday Night Live appearance. Since then, it appears that audiences around the globe have become more unable to handle a joke. As a culture, have we become over-serious and hypersensitive to “political incorrectness?”
We asked several comedians about their thoughts and how the PC culture (Anti-culture?) is affecting their work.
The very well known Christian Finnegan says