Ginger, It’s Full of Surprises
Not just something that goes well with sushi
When most people think of ginger, images of Asian cuisine usually come to mind. As exposure to international dishes start to find commonplace in more households more individuals tend to purchase exotic ingredients. One of the most frequently sought out types of produce to add a kick to any dish is none other than ginger.
Could benefits go beyond just adding a bit more flavour?
The onslaught of negative side effects brought on by the consumption of medications is a well-known fact to both medical officials and the public. As a result, more people turn to natural remedies to feel better. One of the most common ailments most people tend to suffer from is nausea, muscle pain, diabetes, arthritis and high cholesterol.
Aches and pains may no longer require countless pills taken several times a day for just a bit of relief
Studies have shown that the main ingredient in ginger, gingerol possess anti-inflammatory properties that because of its anti-oxidant capabilities can significantly reduce muscle pains. These positive effects are due to its ability to bring down the swelling and throbbing of the targeted area.
The same dosage can be prescribed for achy stiff joints resulting from painful arthritis. Relief is generated from ginger’s main pain relief components of shogaols and gingerols. The key to its success in diminishing the pain is also brought upon by anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities.
How much ginger is needed to ease aches and pains?
To achieve any notable effects practitioners of natural treatments usually, recommend 2 grams of ginger to be taken until relief is achieved. Most individuals have seen improvement in as little as a couple of days.
It’s safe for EVERYONE literally
One of the hardest things expectant mothers go through is knowing which medications are safe for the baby. With that being said one of the most sought out treatments are anything that would bring some sort of relief to the dreaded months of morning sickness.
Most doctors tend to advise their patients to ingest low dose calcium pills such as Rolaids or Tums till nausea fades. Nevertheless, when asked how many of these calcium pills their patients should take most will give the flippant answers that these pills are harmless. Thereby, there is no limit and it’s only enough when their patients feel better.
Even so, no one can argue that natural is always better. With that being said doesn’t a piece of sweet ginger candy seem more palatable than chalky calcium pills?
Could lowering cholesterol be accomplished through anything other than whole a candy store of prescription pills?
One of the main causes of high cholesterol is through the buildup of atherosclerosis around the heart and arteries. Which is why most natural health practitioners recommend individuals suffering from high cholesterol take ginger to lower their cholesterol because of its anti-inflammatory capabilities.
Surely ginger is a lot easier than pricking fingers a few times a day?
One of the most rampant ailments too many people are forced to live with day in and out is diabetes. Upon receiving the diagnosis individuals are faced with a lifetime or testing blood sugar levels through prinking fingers. Not to mention the fact that deciding what foods are safe to eat becomes a daily juggling act.
Can ginger truly put an end to spiking blood sugar levels?
Absolutely! Ginger’s low glycemic index components enable the body to break down glucose at a lower rate. Thereby, preventing blood sugar spikes which would normally be the result of consuming foods that are high in sugar.
All that’s needed is consuming ginger capsules for some people the desired effect can be achieved in as little as eight weeks.
Who would have thought?
Perhaps ordering Asian takeout isn’t such a bad thing after all? Since the main ingredients in Asian cuisine, even those of the multiple chain restaurants not necessarily considered to be a healthy diet is ginger.
This statement shouldn’t be taken as an endorsement to eat more takeout. Since, as everyone knows home cooked meals are always best.
Nevertheless, isn’t it great to know that some dishes may contain an ingredient beneficial in curing and preventing serious diseases that tend to cause havoc to the lives of so many people around the globe?
Looks like some things can taste great and be good for you too.
Mary Thompson