Maximize Food Shelf Life: A Guide to Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers for Long-Term Storage

Long-term food storage is a critical consideration for anyone looking to preserve food supplies for emergencies or extended periods. Among the various methods available, the use of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers has gained significant popularity for their effectiveness in preserving food quality and shelf life.

Mylar bags are made of a durable polyester film known for its high tensile strength and moisture resistance. When properly sealed, Mylar bags create a barrier that protects food from moisture, light, oxygen, and other external factors that can lead to spoilage.

When used in conjunction with oxygen absorbers, Mylar bags provide an ideal environment for long-term food storage. Oxygen absorbers are small packets containing iron powder, which reacts with oxygen to create iron oxide, effectively removing oxygen from the sealed environment.

The absence of oxygen helps prevent oxidation and microbial growth, extending the shelf life of stored food items. This combination of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers is particularly beneficial for preserving dry goods such as grains, beans, pasta, and dehydrated foods.

When selecting Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for long-term food storage, it’s essential to choose high-quality products that offer reliable performance. One option worth considering is OxySorb Mylar Bags and OxySorb Oxygen Absorbers.


Join Grammy Award considered artist turned foodie, Anand Bhatt, as he invites us as well as some of the hottest chefs into his kitchen during shutdown so we can learn how to make some of the most creative and tastiest recipes easily at home.


These products ( OxySorb Mylar Bags and OxySorb Oxygen Absorbers )are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and performance, ensuring maximum protection for your stored food items. Whether you’re preparing an emergency food supply or preserving bulk quantities of food for long-term use, OxySorb Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers offer peace of mind and reliability.

Proper storage conditions, including a cool, dry, and dark environment, further enhance the effectiveness of Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. By taking the necessary precautions and investing in quality storage solutions, you can ensure that your food remains fresh and nutritious for extended periods, ready to be enjoyed whenever needed.

Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers provide an excellent solution for long-term food storage, offering protection against moisture, oxygen, and other factors that can compromise food quality. By choosing trusted products like OxySorb Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers, you can safeguard your food supplies and prepare for any situation with confidence.

It’s That Time of Year for Fertilizer Again

It’s that time of year again when gardeners everywhere are gearing up for the spring planting season. One essential aspect of successful gardening is ensuring that your plants have the nutrients they need to thrive. This is where fertilizer comes into play.

Fertilizer provides plants with essential nutrients, promoting healthy growth and robust yields. Whether you’re cultivating a lush vegetable garden or nurturing vibrant flower beds, choosing the right fertilizer is crucial for achieving optimal results.

One highly recommended option is Gardenera Premium All Purpose Fertilizer. This high-quality fertilizer is specially formulated to meet the needs of a wide variety of plants, ensuring they receive the essential nutrients they require for healthy growth.

When applying fertilizer, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully to avoid over-fertilizing, which can be detrimental to plants. Applying the right amount at the right time will help your plants flourish throughout the growing season.

In addition to providing nutrients, fertilizer can also help improve soil structure and fertility over time. By incorporating organic matter into the soil, fertilizer contributes to long-term soil health, benefiting your garden for years to come.

As you prepare your garden for the upcoming season, don’t overlook the importance of fertilizer. Investing in quality fertilizer like Gardenera Premium All Purpose Fertilizer can make a significant difference in the health and vitality of your plants.

So, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, be sure to give your plants the nourishment they need to thrive. With the right fertilizer, you’ll be well on your way to a bountiful harvest and a beautiful garden.

Bridge Blunders & Celebrity Camera Clash: Navigating Today’s Top Stories

Alright folks, let’s talk about something that’s been making waves today, and no, I’m not talking about the latest tweet from Kanye or whatever he’s calling himself these days. I’m talking about the Baltimore Bridge collapse. Yes, you heard it right. The Francis Scott Key Bridge, which I always thought was just a nice backdrop for a patriotic Instagram post, decided to take a dive after a cargo ship hit it.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Dude, how does a bridge just collapse?” Well, I’ll tell you how – it’s called infrastructure neglect. It’s like when you ignore that check engine light on your car dashboard until one day, your car decides to stop in the middle of the freeway. But hey, who needs bridges when we’ve got Twitter wars to keep us connected, right?

And speaking of connections, this incident has caused quite the traffic nightmare. I mean, the bridge carried Interstate 695, which is now carrying nothing but water and, I don’t know, fish? It’s a mess out there, and if you thought your morning commute was bad before, try adding a detour that takes you through two time zones and a scenic route past your ex’s house.

But let’s give a round of applause to the cargo ship that managed to take down an entire bridge. I mean, that’s some impressive aim. Most people can’t even back into a parking spot without taking out a shopping cart, and here we have a ship that’s like, “Hold my beer, I got this.”

So, what’s the takeaway from all this? Maybe it’s time we start paying a little more attention to the things that actually matter, like the roads we drive on, the bridges we cross, and the infrastructure that, you know, keeps our society from literally falling apart. Or we could just keep arguing about whether pineapple belongs on pizza. Your call, America.

Stay safe out there, and remember, if you’re driving in Baltimore, maybe bring a life jacket, just in case.

Alright, let’s switch gears and talk about something a little lighter – entertainment. And what’s more entertaining than watching celebrities try to be just like us? I’m talking about Whoopi Goldberg, who stopped ‘The View’ mid-discussion to scold an audience member for… wait for it… using a camera.

Yes, in a world where everyone’s a paparazzo, Whoopi had to lay down the law. “Sir, sir,” she says, “I have to stop you with the camera because I can see you.” I mean, come on, Whoopi, isn’t that the point of a camera? To be seen? But hey, she’s got a show to run, and if you’re not watching the hosts, they’re not getting those sweet, sweet ratings.

And speaking of ratings, let’s talk about the real reason we tune in – the drama. The View’s been tackling some heavy topics lately, from the viral ‘stay-at-home girlfriend’ trend to ‘#KateGate’ conspiracies. And let’s not forget the recent news of Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis, which has everyone talking. It’s like a soap opera over there, but with more commercial breaks.

So, what have we learned today? If you’re going to be in the audience of a live show, maybe leave the camera at home. Or at least, don’t get caught. And if you’re looking for a little daytime drama, just turn on ‘The View’. They’ve got enough going on to keep you entertained until the next commercial break.

Stay tuned, and remember, in the world of entertainment, the camera’s always rolling.

The Benefits of Beet Root and Tart Cherry Extract Before and After Workouts

The Benefits of Beet Root and Tart Cherry Extract Before and After Workouts

Embarking on a fitness journey requires more than just dedication and hard work; it also demands smart nutrition. That’s where beet root and tart cherry extracts come into play, offering a plethora of benefits to enhance your workout routine and recovery process.

Beet root is renowned for its ability to boost stamina and improve blood flow, thanks to its high nitrate content. These nitrates convert to nitric oxide in the body, which helps dilate blood vessels, allowing more oxygen to fuel your muscles during intense workouts.

On the other hand, tart cherry extract is a powerhouse of antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which have been linked to reduced muscle inflammation and pain. This makes it an excellent choice for post-workout recovery, helping to alleviate soreness and speed up muscle repair.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Both beet root and tart cherry extracts have been shown to improve sleep quality, thanks to their melatonin content. Better sleep equates to better recovery, ensuring you’re ready to tackle your next workout with vigor.

Integrating these extracts into your diet can be as simple as adding them to your pre-workout smoothie or taking them in supplement form. For a convenient and tasty option, consider YumVs Beet Root Gummies with Tart Cherry Extract, designed to support your active lifestyle.

So whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, incorporating beet root and tart cherry extracts into your regimen could be the key to unlocking enhanced performance and a smoother recovery. Ready to give your workouts a natural boost? Buy YumVs Beet Root Gummies with Tart Cherry Extract and experience the difference for yourself.


The Benefits of Having a Dedicated Travel Towel for the Gym

The Benefits of Having a Dedicated Travel Towel for the Gym

When you’re sweating through a tough workout, the best gym towels can keep you feeling clean, fresh, and focused. A gym bag essential, gym towels also serve as a safety precaution, helping to absorb slippery sweat from your body and exercise equipment for safe handling.

But why settle for any old towel when you can have a dedicated travel towel designed specifically for your fitness journey? Let’s dive into the perks:

1. Personal Hygiene

Having your own gym towel ensures cleanliness. No more sharing scratchy, communal towels plucked from questionable bins. Your personal towel is a shield against other people’s sweat, keeping you comfortable and germ-free.

2. Absorbency

These towels are super absorbent. Whether it’s wiping your face or the bench, they wick away moisture efficiently. Plus, they dry quickly, so you’re never stuck with a damp, unpleasant towel.

3. Courtesy

Being courteous to fellow gym-goers matters. Use your towel to wipe down equipment after your sets. It’s a small gesture that keeps things dry and ready for the next person.

4. Material Matters

Choose the right material for your gym towel:

  • Microfiber: Quick-drying and efficient at absorbing sweat.
  • Cotton: Soft and familiar, great for sensitive skin.
  • Bamboo Fiber: Eco-friendly and naturally antimicrobial.

Now, let’s talk about the star of the show: the Zumi Travel and Gym Towel. It’s compact, lightweight, and designed for fitness warriors like you. Say goodbye to damp, communal towels and hello to freshness!

Remember, you control your hygiene with this towel. So, grab your Zumi, hit the gym, and conquer those dumbbells!

Achieve Professional Results: DIY Deck Finishing Made Easy with an Extension Pole


When it comes to DIY projects like finishing a deck, having the right tools can make all the difference. One tool that I’ve found incredibly useful is the extension pole. With its versatility and reach, it’s become an indispensable part of my deck finishing toolkit.

One of the main advantages of using an extension pole is its ability to extend your reach, allowing you to easily access hard-to-reach areas of the deck without the need for ladders or scaffolding. This not only saves time but also makes the entire process safer.

Whether you’re staining, painting, or applying sealant, the extension pole provides the extra reach needed to cover large surface areas quickly and efficiently. This means fewer trips up and down the ladder, reducing fatigue and increasing productivity.

Another benefit of using an extension pole is its ability to attach various tools, such as paint rollers, brushes, or even sanders. This versatility means you can tackle a variety of tasks with just one tool, saving both space and money.

When it comes to choosing the right extension pole for your deck finishing project, I highly recommend the Bates Extension Pole. With its durable construction and adjustable length, it’s perfect for tackling any job, big or small.

To make your deck finishing project even easier, you can purchase the Bates Extension Pole here.

With the Bates Extension Pole by your side, you’ll be able to tackle your DIY deck finishing project with ease and confidence, achieving professional results without the hassle.

Silicone Wedding Rings: The Trendy Alternative to Traditional Bands

As the world of fashion continuously evolves, so do the symbols of love and commitment. Silicone wedding rings have burst onto the scene as a popular and fashionable alternative to traditional metal wedding bands. These rings are not only stylish but also offer practical benefits that make them an attractive choice for modern couples.

Why Choose a Silicone Wedding Ring?

Silicone wedding rings are designed for flexibility and durability, making them perfect for active lifestyles. Whether you’re into sports, work with your hands, or simply want a more comfortable option, silicone rings can withstand the rigors of daily activities without the risk of damage or loss that comes with more expensive metal bands.

Fashion Meets Functionality

Beyond their practicality, silicone wedding rings have become a fashion statement. Available in a variety of colors and styles, they allow individuals to express their personal style and commitment in a unique way. Brands like Enso have led the charge in creating rings that are not only functional but also beautifully designed.

Where to Find Your Silicone Wedding Ring

Interested in embracing this trend? Look no further than the Enso Silicone Wedding Ring. Enso’s rings are renowned for their quality, design, and comfort. Whether you’re seeking a ring for everyday wear or searching for the perfect complement to your active lifestyle, Enso has you covered.

Don’t miss out on this fashionable and practical trend. Buy an Enso Silicone Wedding Ring today and join the growing number of people who appreciate the blend of style, comfort, and durability these rings offer.

As fashion continues to evolve, silicone wedding rings stand out as a symbol of modern love. With a blend of style, practicality, and affordability, they offer a compelling alternative to traditional wedding bands.

Maximize Your Muscle Recovery: Discover the Top Benefits of Using a Foam Roller

The Benefits of Foam Rollers for Fitness and Recovery

Foam rolling, a form of self-myofascial release, has become increasingly popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It offers a multitude of benefits, including improved flexibility, enhanced recovery, and reduced risk of injury. By integrating foam rolling into your fitness regime, you can significantly improve your overall well-being and athletic performance.

Improving Flexibility and Range of Motion

Regular use of foam rollers can help increase your flexibility and joint range of motion. This is crucial for both pre-workout warm-ups and post-exercise cool downs, aiding in better performance and reduced soreness.

Enhancing Recovery

Foam rolling aids in the breakdown of soft tissue adhesions and scar tissue, promoting faster recovery from workouts. It helps in the dispersion of lactic acid that builds up in muscles during exercise, alleviating muscle soreness and fatigue.

Reducing Risk of Injury

By improving circulation and flexibility, foam rolling can help minimize the risk of exercise-related injuries. It serves as an effective tool in injury prevention, particularly when used consistently as part of a comprehensive training program.

Choosing the Right Foam Roller

Not all foam rollers are created equal. For a durable and effective option, I recommend the 321 Strong brand Foam Roller. It’s designed to withstand heavy use while providing the perfect density for deep tissue massage and muscle recovery.

If you’re looking to enhance your fitness routine and recovery process, buy the 321 Strong Foam Roller here.

Integrating a foam roller into your daily exercise routine can lead to significant improvements in your fitness and recovery process. Make sure to choose a high-quality roller like the 321 Strong Foam Roller for the best results.

Work Nights? Why Blackout Curtains are a Gamechanger

Getting Quality Sleep During the Day: The Power of Blackout and Soundproof Curtains

Working nights can take a toll on your sleep schedule, especially if you’re in the business of clubs, parties, or live streaming until dawn. The challenge of transitioning to daylight rest can seem daunting, but with the right environment, you can create an ideal sleeping space. One of the most effective solutions is investing in blackout and soundproof curtains.

Creating the Right Atmosphere

To mimic the tranquility of night, I rely on blackout curtains. They’re essential for keeping my bedroom pitch dark, even when the sun is high. Combined with their soundproofing qualities, they help to insulate my space not just from light, but also from daytime noise, promoting uninterrupted rest.

Why Choose NICETOWN Curtains?

I’ve found the NICETOWN 100% Absolutely Blackout Linen Curtains to be particularly effective. Made from a heavy-duty flax linen blend, they provide the weight and density needed to block out light and reduce noise. They offer thermal insulation as well, which helps to regulate room temperature, making your sleep environment more comfortable.

Although not the easiest to install (better than most though), you can see they really block out the light.

Are you ready to transform your daytime sleep experience? You can buy the NICETOWN curtains here and see the immediate improvement in your sleep quality.

When you can’t change your work hours, change how you cope with them. Blackout and soundproof curtains like NICETOWN’s are a simple yet effective way to ensure that working nights doesn’t have to mean compromising on sleep during the day.

High Protein Keto Pudding with Greek Yogurt Recipe

Low Carb High Protein Pudding Recipe

Indulge in a creamy, satisfying dessert without sacrificing your diet. This low carb, high protein pudding recipe is a dream come true for fitness enthusiasts and anyone looking for a healthy treat. With just a few ingredients, including plain Greek yogurt and protein powder, you can whip up this delicious snack in no time.


  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 scoop of your favorite protein powder (vanilla or chocolate work well)
  • 1 tablespoon sweetener of choice (optional)
  • Fresh berries or nuts for topping (optional)

To enhance the flavor and nutrition of your pudding, consider using high-quality protein powder like Pro-Cal Pudding and Shake Mix, which you can easily buy online.


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the Greek yogurt and protein powder. Mix well until you achieve a smooth consistency.
  2. Taste the mixture and add a sweetener if desired. Mix well.
  3. Chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to allow the pudding to set.
  4. Serve the pudding in a bowl and top with fresh berries, nuts, or any other toppings you prefer.

Judee’s Greek Yogurt Powder

If you don’t have fresh Greek yogurt on hand or prefer a longer shelf life, Judee’s Greek Yogurt Powder is a fantastic alternative that still provides that creamy texture and rich protein content.