Is the Written Word Making a Modern Comeback?

By Mary Thompson –

Perhaps something good has finally come out of societies’ growing addiction to cyberspace?

From an outsiders point of view continually being engaged in cyberspace mostly translates into watching videos on YouTube, social media platforms all in all a waste of time. But, what if there was a positive element to these hours of surfing through websites? Why not put these long hours to good use, by utilising them to seek out academic advancement?

Claiming that books are boring is far from a fair assumption. On the contrary, that statement is furthest from the truth.

Nothing negative ever came out of expanding one’s knowledge through the written word. So, why not give apps like Audible by Amazon, Google Play Books, Amazon Kindle and Good Reads a try? Perhaps they may bring something good out of downloads and not just hours of wasted time.

There aren’t any excuses now

When asked one of the biggest reasons most people have for not reading books is that there just isn’t any time. Given the fast-paced lives, so many of us lead these days taking a few minutes or an hour at the most to pick up a good book seems almost unthinkable. Since no matter how much we try to get done during the day there’s never really enough time.

On the days when all important tasks get sorted, and there’s nothing left to do till the next wave of activities and schedules. The next excuse most people usually give is that engaging in the written word requires too much tedious energy that would be much better put towards just doing nothing at all. After all in all this constant onslaught activity, when do we ever get the chance to let our minds wander?

What if reading could be akin to daydreaming?

Could there be anything more relaxing than listening to narrations of not only popular books but the classics as well? Prices of these novels and short stories may vary depending on their release date. But, the variety of titles to choose from is incredibly vast it could open up the door to a whole new generation of readers.

Most potential readers already own one the critical components needed to enter this literacy fantasy world

Downloading books as with anything else can only be made possible only through reliable access to WIFI which seems to be almost anywhere these days.

Truth be told to really get submerged in the art of the high tech written word some sites do require readers to purchase a kindle. However, given the amount of money most people spend on electronic devices these days buying one that costs next to peanuts to what most of these gadgets total is hardly a significant investment.

Stating that it can be done from just about anywhere is an understatement

During rush hour, relaxing or just about any time of day one of the most common sights are people with headphones on as they escape reality in exchange for a better fantasy, though it is true that this can easily be accomplished through the latest movie, album or binge-watching the fun new television series.

Nevertheless, with all these new releases popping up on the shelves, one thing that continuously tends to get overlooked is hot new novels just waiting to be discovered. That being said why not switch out those other forms of entertainment for a great new series whose excitement, intrigue and detail can only be found through the written word.

After all, as they say, there’s so much they don’t include in the movie version. Wouldn’t it be great to get a more in-depth glimpse into those movies based on novels?

Reading does the body good

Why not invest in widening academic horizons and not just hours of wasted time? Who knows it may be possible to quickly get lost in a good book as it is in the latest YouTube sensation? Give these apps a try. They may be far from free of charge. But isn’t it far better to spend money on expanding knowledge than killing brain cells with entertainment that contains no beneficial qualities at all?

Perhaps given time the written word will be far from dead, but revived by a whole new generation of readers?


Dry Winter Skin Moisturizers

By Mary Thompson –

Don’t let Jack Frost nip at your nose

The most profoundly apparent qualities of the coming winter months are the clean, fresh air that will leave a crisp feeling in its wake. No one can say dey that despite leaving a chill in the air these anticipated times of snow angels, skiing, sleigh rides and holidays will put a sense of warmth in anyone’s heart.

Nevertheless, one undeniable fact still exists months of dry, itchy skin are an inevitable part of this snow-covered package. There’s nothing that can be done to stop this annual invasion of annoyance from occurring entirely.

But, hopefully with the help of these rich moisturisers, deep cleansers and penetrating facial masks those unpleasant months of frustration and scratching will be cut short. Most of these products may be far from being economically priced, but the relief they bring will be well worth the price. Plus one crucial point to factor in with these pricier products is they may cost a whole lot. But, one thing’s for sure a little truly goes a long way and will probably last the entire season.

Give these a chance they may very well surprise you


TIME BOMB Power Ball Intensive Moisturizer Don’t let this unassuming plain white container fool you. The packaging may not have a lot of pizazz, but its 21 intensive moisturisers are sure to keep to winter blues at bay. What’s the secret behind its moisture locking success? Ectoin a protein which locks in skin’s moisture to enable it to survive in even the harshest of climates which in this case would be the icy arctic winds.

Its high price shouldn’t deter anyone from purchasing this top of the line product. After all, just a few dabs applied day and night are enough to get the job done. Skin will be supple with renewed elasticity. A far cry from the tightness and drying which would otherwise be the case without the aid of these ever essential moisturisers.

CLINIQUE Moisture Surge Melting Mask BalmThis is another one of those products whose benefits outweigh the price. Not many realise the amount of dryness skin can accumulate at night which brings into question the validity of the phrase, “beauty sleep.” However, just a thin layer of this moisture-boosting mask applied to the skin before bedtime on nights when skin truly needs of a moisture boost will leave it feeling soft and supple the next morning.

Could anything else have been expected to come from its key ingredients of apricot and macadamia oil?


OROGOLD COSMETICS White Gold 24K Deep Moisturizer for Face  It’s hard to ignore the steep price which comes along with this product given that it’s practically spelt out in its very name. However, given the intensive moisturising benefits combined with highly potent anti-ageing properties this product does the job of many. However, given the ample moisture which it contains I would not recommend using it all year round, but strictly reserved for winter months when dryness is particularly prevalent.

It’s quite apparent that this small jar does pack a hefty price. Nevertheless, if you factor in that it’s a day cream, night cream and anti-ageing all rolled into one somehow the price tag is a lot more palatable. So, why not treat yourself, after all, doesn’t skin deserve to be pampered once in a while?


THIRSTY MUD Hydrating Treatment Masque The natural ingredients in this facial mask are everything that’s good for skin. Mainly the face’s highly delicate skin. From apples, oatmeal, ginger root to coconut oil it truly is a schmorgesborg of skincare goodness. All of which brought together will leave skin hydrated while maintaining its lipid barrier. Not to mention its detoxifying capabilities which boost skin’s radiance by protecting it from impurities and toxins that can be absorbed throughout the day.


Perhaps letting Jack Frost steel a kiss may not be such a bad idea after all

Not even the frostiest of his pecks will stand a chance against these boosts of moisture. So, why not give these a try and step out into the frosty weather outside. After all it would be such a shame to put this beautiful time of year to waste.





Shake Up Your Fall & Winter Routine With These 10 Hot Tips

By Christina Flach –

Fall is here and it’s time we shake up our routine in every aspect of health, hair, exercise, and makeup! The holidays are going to be here before we know it and we need to set up a  routine and plan for getting through the holiday season without gaining a ton of weight and more importantly feeling like a slug from all the excess sugar, which by the way is the devil hidden in those beautfuly decorated  sugar cookies and pumpkin lattes!

Here are a few tips to help stay on track, while still having fun and not feeling deprived.

1. When you  are running out the door, before you  grab your handbag and keys, fill up your water bottle and add a squeeze of lemon which will help re-alkaline your system and best of all helps rid our system of sugar cravings. We often think we are hungry, when we are really incredibly dehydrated.

2. I know that pumpkin latte tastes like heaven on earth, but try a pumpkin tea  or chai tea with no sugar. The more sugar you eat, the more we crave and eat. I tell myself at the begining of the season, I will enjoy one amazing holiday sugary latte, and then it’s back to tea with no sugar. Let’s enjoy a holiday baked good  then drinking a million empty calories daily of a sugary  latte.

3. When the weather is chilly and it is tough to go to the gym when we feel so cold, try a hot yoga class! The hot room feels so good on tight muscles, we clear our pores with a good sweat and your body will get a deep stretch that we need to get ready for ski season. Changing up our work out routines during the winter months, keeps the boredom away and will keep you from skipping our much needed workouts.

[SEE: Yoga 101: Best Beginners Yoga The Easy Way]

4. My favorite part of getting into bed at night is slathering my hands and feet with coconut oil and putting on my cozy socks to keep the oils on my feet and not my sheets! Massaging your feet before bed will also help with sleeping soundly, depression, blood circulation, PMS and Menopause, but for me relaxing after a long day puts me to sleep 5 seconds after I put my head on the pillow! Waking  up with soft hands and feet after a good nights sleep, there is nothing better!

5. Make  green juice in the morning or before bed which ever is easier for you. Add to your blender, OJ, Apple juice or Coconut water ( fantastic if you drank too much the night before and are feeling dehydrated), green apple, spinach, kale, fresh ginger and tumeric. Those extra ripe bananas you normally toss into the garbage, peel, put into a freezer bag into the freezer,  add to your smoothie with out having to add ice!  I like to make enough to drink a glass or two and then put in a container to have mid day or in the afternoon when I would normally eat something sweet.

6. Leave  a jar of coconut oil in the shower to rub into your skin before you get out. It saves time putting on while you are still wet and your skin will absorb the much needed oils.

7. Just because it’s raining, snowing or overcast, you still need to put sunscreen on your face, neck , chest. and on top of your hands. Yes, your hands too! How many times have you looked at a woman’s face and her hands looked like she was much older.  Trust me, you will thank me in 25 years when your hands are not wrinkled and have sun spots.

8. If you are exfoliating, cut back to 2-3 times a week. The hot showers can strip your skin of oils  and cause itching, discomfort and flaking, so try switching to a warm  water shower, after you warm up or better yet, shock your skin with a cold 30- 60 seconds of cold water. I promise it will wake you up!

9. Fall is the best time to try a new hair color or cut. A trim after all the sun of the summer months will keep your lovely locks healthy. A warm chocolate brown, tone down your blondeness to a golden honey or maybe you want to add a bit of excitment with a dark rich dark brown will last much longer without fading or turning brassy.

10. Plan something with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Sharing a memory is better then a gift! A harvest festival, museum exhibit, hike to see the change of season, an afternoon of crafts, work out with a trainer  or a spa day! Hapiness and laughter are what makes us feel beautiful on the inside and shows in our face to the world!

About Christina:

Christina Flach is the CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup and a Celebrity Makeup Artist represented by  Scout Creatives.  Check out her long lasting, natural, waterproof lipgloss at

Surely the Cat in the Hat Didn’t Mean it Like That?

By Mary Thompson –

Just because someone wishes hard enough doesn’t make it so

Get a grip it’s all entertainment, right? This question is the apparent reality that so many have chosen to ignore for the purposes of political agendas, social views and creating the negativity that just isn’t there.

I hardly doubt this is what Dr Seuss had in mind

Back in the days when Dr Seuss first created classic cartoons, songs and books the purpose behind them was to entice children to expand their imaginations. Who knew that someday tales conceived in such innocence would be twisted and by people whose intentions are far from innocent to take on forms of malice

The question now is why?

It’s hard to believe that the world of Dr Seuss from the Lorax, Horton to the Grinch just to name a few would be snatched out of countless children’s lives. These hasty decisions which seem to add to the growing list of grievances, so many people have chosen to nitpick apart.

I use the term nitpick for the simple reason that if these problems truly existed wouldn’t someone have chosen to do something about it a long time ago?

And so it begins…

Just recently a librarian in Massachusetts decided that Dr. Seuss was not only ….

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Caribbean Hair Products are Good for Everybody

OK, I know it is no secret just how pro-Caribbean I am.  Let’s face it, I play tropical music (new album Latindian Style out now, btw 😉 ), you read about me supporting Miss Universe Guyana, somewhere on youtube are  Shenseea remixes I can’t stop doing because I’m crazy abt her, and I think Trinidad Coconut Water should be a daily drink.

But what about our HAIR?

I recently came across this product line called Happy Curls, Happy Girls.  It’s the only artisan hair care line formulated for the Caribbean.   The first thing I noticed is how multicultural their image is, and I’m about to get really really Real here.  MOST high end hair companies, even in the curly hair niche, have only white models in their ads and packaging.  not just white, Nazi White.  Which doesn’t make much sense – who is buying your curly hair products? And why do big box high end companies think that hair products are a way to promote their subtle white supremacist beliefs?  Not Cool [not mentioning company name here] – you know who you are.   So of course, my first impression of Happy Curls, Happy Girls (let’s call them HCHG) is that they’re legit.  They understand who this world is.  Hair products are for Everybody.


The second thing I noticed about this brand is the impressive formulation of all natural ingredients, almost the same ingredients as those which my grandmother used to tell me to put in my hair.  Indians, we LOVE our coconut oil.  These are the same ingredients you would recommend for straight hair as well.  The HCHG product line, although recommended for curly hair, will absolutely work on any hair type.  Seriously.


Daily Scented Hair Spritz

These spritzer bottles are Awesome! With the little lock for open/close and they spritz on creamy somehow. And again, no junk ingredients – full on real stuff.  As if it is homemade. It might be, I don’t know.  This Cucumber Melon spritz smells fantastic.

Protect and Grow Hair Oil

No Mineral Oil fillers!! And are you ready?  It has Neem oil in it.  NEEM OIL! If that’s not the most Caribbean/Indian thing to do I don’t know what is!  It also has Tea Tree oil, and of course Jojoba and Coconut.  I was a little weary of olive oil in my hair – but research shows otherwise.  It’s a natural DHT blocker (then again they say the same thing about Coconut Oil which is magic to hair), nothing i’m Actually concerned over but I am getting that age where every little thing is “supposed to be” a concern.   In any case, research shows that it is good for hair.

Coconut Milk Deep Conditioner 

Do you know how hard it was for me not to EAT this product??? Just smell it you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about (hahahahaha it actually says “External Use Only” on the container – guess I’m not the first person to think about making a curry out of it).  Once again, it is stuff my grandmother would recommend with some added vitamins and a natural emulsifier.

What do you think? Have you tried/seen these or similar products?  And is it wrong that I’m doing a Caribbean coconut milk conditioning treatment right now while listening to one of my own songs to set the mood 😀 ?



Did the Internet Ruin or Help the Music Industry? Skrillex, Bruno Mars, and more

Did the Internet Ruin or Help the Music Industry – Skrillex, Bruno Mars, OK Go, The Civil Wars, Austin City Limits, Why Artists Don’t Get Paid in Money……

SUBTITLES (easier to view the video)

all over Los Angeles least at least

during Grammy weekend cuz everyone’s

like who is this Skrillex guy and people

are talking about I was like oh my god

he’s the most unique thing he’s had been

he’s changed how electronic music is and

it’s electronic music that you cannot

grasp or rhythm to and and anybody

listens to electronica music knows that

dubstep has been around for a while and

it didn’t originate in the United States

right it’s it’s there’s a dubstep

channel on Spotify if you like Skrillex

you should probably go listen to some

dope them I mean that’s like saying so

here’s a belly dance music pour

McDonough invented dance music that’s

that’s probably more or less like it’s

like giving your credit what we’re doing

well well let’s face now a lot of people

listen to sort of the age of 30 and they

actually think Madonna invented dance

music so let’s say there’s something a

little more broad like you know that the

blues music existed because you watch

the Looney Tunes cartoons you know blues

and jazz existed so you know very well

the black guy keys in that that’s

exactly right y’all in the Black Keys

are doing original you like yeah these

are my keys the Black Keys slack he’s

like there’s nothing there’s nothing

that the Black Keys are doing that

hasn’t been done exactly you know even

White Stripes for that matter a lot that

Y is very safe so yeah yeah

el is an awesome so he’s gonna name

fancy you guys never heard of anything

says really popular nobody’s learning

the Black Keys unless you’re really in

any music right so so I don’t know who

actually plays it oh you know what Bruno

Mars the perfect that’s like saying

Bruno Mars invented R&B you know very

well that he did not he plays a very

old-school R&B style Yeah right but you

know very well that Bruno Mars didn’t

because R&B has been around and you’ve

heard RB but unfortunately Skrillex can

take credit for dubstep because the like

dose that was pretty underground well I

don’t think he did credit for I think it

just happened I think I think people put

that on him right and he just doesn’t

correct them which is a hard tough thing

to be if you’re homeless one day and

you’re 24 obvious people like oh my god

dude you’re amazing you invented this


what are you doing fucking

what do you say if I walked up to the

guy working behind the counter at

McDonald’s like Jesus Christ have you

invented a hamburger oh my god the grace

mentioned here is 17 million dollars I

want you to now run 50 restaurants

across the country is the greatest

invention just because I’m too stupid to

know that this kid didn’t invent

hamburger he was making one because he

worked at McDonald I we’re kind of

belaboring the point is that parents

Calista has all these deals to produce

other records let’s do one of the

richest kids in America yeah and he’s

also hired to Bell to basically produce

in work with all these popular artists

and that’s Brett he’s not a brand right

so it’s it’s not it’s different right so

but going on this others there’s

something we left out Ok Go did present

the awards got been kind of awesome that

did kind of span over you know Skrillex

right and and one of the mundane okay


said was you know hey it’s for the weird

that we’re selected to give these awards

because you know when we you know back

you know ten years ago you know

everybody in this room was the industry

right you know and with the advent of

the internet you know that really kind

of changed you know gave the power to

you know millions and millions of

millions people because it’s no longer

you know some producer or executive or

engineer made a decision to work with

somebody that gets them get simplicity

it’s now anybody can go out there and

make something and it’s the people that

hell are really allowed mates and to

really dictate what things are popular

and there’s no better example than that

fucking Friday song right there Friday

Friday all of us because this girl had

this song on YouTube and then blew up

right right okay go that’s how they made

it they made they made these really

interesting interesting cool videos that

went viral on YouTube and now they’re

giving other grants but those from

they’re still gatekeepers and huge

barriers of injury oh and there’s it’s

still heavily Boomer controlled but it’s

comparatively to ten years ago it seems

like an open playing field to everyone

in the industry right like okay go is

still it has to be pretty contrived and

a lot of money via to break something

like that right but compared to the ten

years ago okay go

and Skrillex well that’s exactly chef is

out of out of the box

it helps perpetual it’s still an

illusion that any man can do it what

must it but but it’s much better tenors

well let’s just put it this way and I

think Islands a little more than issue

that I am skillets would not exist ten

years ago they would not let the kid do

it exciting witness told his ideas act

right or they would tell you like oh wow

that’s how you doing and they would have

produced their own through Rick Rick

Rubin right and Madonna or Lady Gaga

ripped it off and suppose we’re never

gonna fucking dies

alright so the risk Felix wouldn’t heat

when he got the award from ok go so look

I was inspired by you guys because guess

what we’re very much like were very much

kin in the fact that you know if it

wasn’t for the internet we wouldn’t be

here right now

that is true that is very good Richard

um and so you know so I thought that was

so the humbleness but also making that

point it changed it because it was the

first there was a multitude of people

that went up and really kind of when

they in the pre top cast only mentioned

that man you know it wasn’t about

selling records it was about you know

the internet and you know in people

word-of-mouth getting music out there so

that they could have a career right and

one of them one of the groups that one

was the civil wars or something it’s

about civil war it’s a duet team every

country and they’re really good oh yeah

and I was great you never checked it out

but it’s really this like it really is

you know old-time music you know it’s

doable know there intend up but it

happens right name for that band by the

way yes describes it pretty well but it

has but it has soul it’s authentic and

they’re counted it is moving you know

it’s made with some emotion right and

that’s Ernie so they came out and then

they’re like and here they they flat out

said you know cuz they want also the pre

telecast they say I think all those

people that went out there and actually

ripped the CD and gave it to a friend

because like he like look where we are a

van band like we’re still indie like

we’re here we’re nominated we’re

surprised we are and we wanted to even

more overwhelming but we’re driving from

from city to city year long this guy’s

got four kids and a wife at home that’s

rarely see them because in order and

this is something that I try to explain

the people oh but when nama and I were

in college roommates together

we had a friend who is a harmonica

player in a band and he actually had a

gold record right and he traveled you

know he jam with him all the time it was

great you know blues jams whatever and

but he was on the road constantly it was

in a five or six piece band and his w2

said $40,000 it sucks so he sold you

know gold record was at 100,000 records

boats cool gold is 500 convert doesn’t

so half a million records right

traveling every day we way from his

girlfriend right I think he was up I

think it seems to married the girl and

he made $40,000 like you know and and so

you know it goes back to you the the

actual bullshit that is actual music

industry because you know the end of day

is the the artists are half the hustle

and it’s the fat cats are really in the

bacon the money it really is right and

if you a slave got some little

perspectives the artist matter how

talented they are cannot break through

to the ear so all those other people are

acting like we artist gets paid at the

fame and talent and if a man attention

break not money unfortunate truth and

I’m even saying this as an artist the

unfortunate truth is the industry is

everybody else behind us is what makes

us money and that’s it like no matter

how great you are

it’s your PR foe to the marketing guy to

the genius doing the studies and and the

guy whose foot in the millions and

billions of dollars it takes to get

through American ears now I say American

ears because in Europe people actually

if you’re listen to us in Europe you’re

like what the fuck are you talking about

I listen to music like it’s fun it’s

different in the United States where

nobody has time energy or desire to

figure out what that what they like in

America you know we don’t own our own

figure out what we like we are given

options we are told options you can

choose between a B C and D because we

culturally don’t learnings water

landings is the blunt way to say it my

polite way of saying is we culturally

don’t feel like we have time and

roadways or desire to have our own

opinions and so we would rather somebody

tell us what we like and we can and we

feel like we made a choice because we

can choose between Chris Brown and Nicki

when the Civil War so I choose one of

those therefore I made a choice it

doesn’t work that way outside of the US

so yeah I know it a lot of you are in

Sweden right now listening to this and

you’re like what what are you talking

about that you guys are insane what kind

of Nazi prison camp are you living in

but that’s America right so yeah so

which is which is always makes fun of me

as I live in Austin Texas you know

that’s one of the things we’re Austin

that has a scene it’s where you know you

kind of have it where you know every

other city that I’ve lived in I’ve lived

in a you know usually when it’s up

happening is nobody will motivate to get

off their couch to go to a show unless

somebody tells them that it’s already

good right where’s Bennett right and in

an Austin people said to get out of the

house okay it’s it’s warmer there you

know I mean if you’re in New York if

you’re in Chicago full Dolf you know

Boston you name any of those all the

major cities you know in the north right

even Seattle words freedom Rana that guy

can’t leave the gym I Jimi Hendrix had

to go to freedom Britain to make it

right right one of the best musicians

out of Seattle had to leave the country

right did Ollie get to have them to have

the people in Europe say oh dude we’ll

check you out and then he was a god that

he was amazing right people saw him the

guy from the moon was like he saw him

plays like they don’t stop playing I’m

like he’s that good and then he did not

break in Seattle because in America in

America getting off no breaks out and

it’s raining it’s cold or the fuck they

they don’t go out right there music or

not in America nobody gives a shit about

anybody we are we just don’t give a shit

unless you’re celebrity with love my

specialty unless you’ve already been

told you’re you’re you’re American

royalty which is celebrity we got rid of

a king system by leaving we have to we

still need a royal family for some

reason so we prop up uh celebrities but

I’m not even just seeing live shows

which I understand there’s a physical

pain in the ass even in America we don’t

even think about this if you’re an

American or a Canadian right now think

about this when was the last time you

even bothered to check out something new

on a free streaming site was last time

you went to last out of FM or Spotify or

anything and said or myspace which is a

free streaming site now right

and actually said even if somebody says

hey man check this out did you actually

get off your lazy pissed-off ass and

check out we don’t do it you like this

fuck dude I got fucking an American Idol

watch or I gotta eat this fucking greasy

hamburger right now he goes I was going

to say that’s a great segue he goes back

to comfort food right people move back

to their comfort where they’re

comfortable exactly and they don’t like

to go out and f-ck exactly like I don’t

want to hear new music because I’ve

already heard Nicki Minaj song on the

radio a hundred times and that’s good

enough for me I’ll get Nicki Minaj I

don’t care if my best friend what

respect says dude you need to check out

this band I don’t feel like clicking

just think about this how many times is

somebody recommended you just a like a

Facebook page I’ll have to just click

the word like and you actually throw in

a tantrum about it think about this I

know we’ve all done it and I know you’ve

done it just think about what a

douchebag you are right now and I’m

sorry we all are just complete pricks

and that’s just who we are culturally

and I’m not saying that yeah I’ll talk

down to us that’s just who we are and we

need to understand we are we are selfish

asshole pricks and that is us as America

I don’t give a shit about you you don’t

give a shit about me we are douchebags

and we celebrate the fact that we don’t

give a fucking shit well I know we don’t

eventually people come to become bubble

to the top and become the royalty but

man we love the lynchin ah there’s

nothing better than marriages to be like

oh wow we used to like you tiger why why

did you bubble to talk about me we’re

supposed to be an equal footing but that

whole bubble to the tops goes back to

the original conversation is a complete

illusion and why from a label

perspective artists get paid in that

attention that has monetary value so if

you’re making 40 grand a year for doing

all that work you’re getting late now

everybody else nobody knows about it

doesn’t give a shit about but nobody

bubbles to the top everyone there’s a

huge amount of money and effort to force

somebody into the attention of the

American public because it is a

closed-off wall an American mind is a

closed alcohol and the American flag

should say fuck you on

so let me sex all segue into every year

the the CEO president of the Recording

Academy comes out and he lectures

enjoyment he lectures he is not used

lectures you on both the pre telecast

and the telecast and what he said is

it’s very interesting because it’s kind

of an interesting segue is that you know

this is the first time I’ve ever heard

usually it’s like oh don’t steal don’t

go on don’t you know don’t use

technology you know support your artists

behind their sleep this is the first

time it’s like hey you know we all know

that we need fans we need our artists

and we need technology all of us need to

work together to figure out a way

because people that do work on this

music right need to get paid and I’m all

for that right corner you know the key

here is is the people that are actually

involved and hopefully you know with

with hopefully don’t destroy a Spotify

model hopefully you know things can

become better you know we’re you know

even this is a youtube concept where you

have the okay goes where somebody does

put some creative art out there and I

wasn’t saying that new okay go free game

video is amazing if you haven’t seen it

they take a friggin Chevy car they got

sponsored I get sponsors Chevy you know

a to music companies in his crash

whatever and they actually did this

really cool thing when they drive a car

and do a version of their song by biking

the car driving on an obstacle course

it’s but that’s the kind of stuff where

it’s you know luckily oh okay go has

very much the marketing PR like those

guys are marketing geniuses they don’t

need to hire people to go ahead and do

this for them but most artists out there

require Ages booking agents PR folks

marketing folks they need to have that

in order to break through you know

basically the yawn that is the

collective consciousness of Americans

and your stuff right so




How a Writer’s Strike affects the Beatles, Kanye West, and Frank Sinatra

SUBTITLES (easier to watch the vid)

so they made the Grammys right with

thinking they’re gonna perform right

during the writers strike yes that where

they didn’t have any speeches really

prepared like it was like hey guys beat

official performance here’s the next

artist and then somebody that was

already recorded with if not all these

artists that we read up the name

there is no pre-rendered model right so

even though the writers trying to guess

ended right in front of us announces war

ended or they they well well because the

prior to attending Proctor and there’s a

lot of petition signed and the WGA

agreed not to picket it to allowed to be

yet so you know the but it was it was

written to be entertaining and not a lot

of speeches it was a concert yeah I was

it gospel is how the grandma should be

this is the music speaks right it’s not

people get up there and like Kanye

West’s and say like I’m the greatest I

want to be the number one I’m the

greatest person who ever walked the

earth from the site he’s playing other

people’s music and rapping over Jill who

is so elegant right went up there and

accepted his award from the Beatles

right it was nicely to a little shot and

then really hate so had this happened to

you he’s gonna give it a grab you by one

of the reels and I like how he

pronounces him he’s Vince Gill says can

ye does he ever happen to you Kanye

fucking Vince Gill it’s a nice little

thing there and then obviously the

theory going that Kanye West actually

paid the Academy to have play his music

like while the rehearsals going right

all right so here’s more on behind the


Oh No was there no work that way they

were really alive all about Mariano was

a French turns out they use weighted

Alicia Keys everything’s not very hard

yeah that was all right well I mean it

makes sense does it kind of like it

brought well it didn’t need to be Alicia

Keys she performed three times a night

as she shoes should have been like Nancy

Sinatra’s daughter or something hey

shouldn’t somebody else

oh but Alicia kicked ass oh yeah

Alicia Keys was fuckin awesome tonight

and it was nice that John Mayer we

didn’t actually have to you know we

didn’t actually force ourselves actually

listen to John Mayer for more than

thirty seconds and that was great how

blues noodling solo an Al Blues noodling

solo right I mean like with no thought

this one out there kind of like jammed

and then sang a little bit against her

and that was it we have to win this more

than those minutes John Mayer which is

great which is perfect for our taste

yeah great and we could say we saw John

Mayer live yeah but not actually have to

endure it yes there was a Curie

Underwood song she was looking hot

the song was energetic I in its

choreographer there’s no cool stop

looking stuff guys I saw in the

background like proximate oh yeah yeah

yeah oh yeah so backstage and the Carrie

Underwood thing so we can see what’s

going on backstage they’re practicing

the same moves from I do for the portal

or for yet yeah playing over and over

again move all right

and they finally went on and they were

tight they got it but it was pretty

interesting a backstage there they’re

practicing like robots yeah for a long

time I guess you know the greatest age

and that was awesome really cool there’s