It is time we accept that in this day and age, most people feel that when they visit a medical professional with a complaint the doctor shrugs and says “It’s a mystery, let’s run some tests.” Those test results come back and the doctor shrugs and says “It’s a mystery, let’s send you to a specialist.” The Specialist shrugs and says “It’s a mystery, let’s try some meds.” The meds don’t work, and cause side effects – which in turn restarts the cycle of doctor visits, shrugs, specialists, and more meds ad infinitum. In fact, it is this very reason (this iatrogenic, medicine is still a complete guessing game with results no better than superstition reality) why so many people choose Not to seek treatment despite paying more for health insurance than it would cost to buy a brand new 55″ inch 4k TV every month.
This scenario is especially true when it comes to pain management. Pain is a hot topic in entertainment – various forms of it and its various treatments have killed or debilitated many from star athletes to Michael Jackson and Prince. So, I was pretty excited to