How to Rock Your Mornings


Mornings are something else for me. My
body seems to be the type that has the most
positive energy and mood as soon as I wake up.
Unfortunately, this dissipates quickly as soon as
I attempt to do anything other than sit with my
thoughts or read a book.
THE MOST IMPORTANT part of my day is
morning quiet time. Now I do understand and
am well aware that I have the unusual luxury of
being able to wake up at 9:AM and sit still either
reading or meditating until Noon before I decide
to do anything with the day, BUT rest assured, I
too have days where I am to be somewhere by
8:AM. On those days I find it best to wake up 2
hours earlier and either sit still and think about
the day or read for at least 30 minutes before
starting in on the tasks ahead.
QUIET TIME! Without it, burnout

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